China's Atlantis

How the Lion City was purposely-flooded to make way for a power station but remains completely intact 130ft underwater after 50 years

  • Shi Cheng was once centre of politics and economics in eastern province of Zhejiang
  • Covered in water to build hydroelectric power station in 1959 and was forgotten
  • Now divers want to use the metropolis as a tourist site and have gone to plan routes

A maze of white temples, memorial arches, paved roads, and houses... hidden 130 feet underwater: this is China's real-life Atlantis.
The so-called Lion City, tucked in a lake between the Five Lion Mountain, was once Shi Cheng - the centre of politics and economics in the eastern province of Zhejiang.
But in 1959, the Chinese government decided a new hydroelectric power station was required - so built a man-made lake.
Locator: The newly-built lake, which has generated hydro-electric power for the region, is just south of Shanghai in the far east of China
Classical: The structures in Shi Cheng were built 1,300 years ago featuring traditional Chinese statues. Away from the wind and sun, it has remained intactHidden: The city was once a political and economic hub for eastern China but after authorities built the man-made Qiandao Lake in 1959, it is nowhere to be seenDivers have rediscovered the opulent city and plan to bring tourists roundEven wooden structures remain surprisingly strong, according to the team that have gone to inspectThere are rows of houses made out of brick, with wooden stairs that are still almost pristineThere are rows of houses made out of brick, with wooden stairs that are still almost pristine
Carvings: Visitors will be able to see the traditional engravings first-hand when guided by Qiu Feng and her team



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